Minimal Key Lengths for Symmetric Ciphers to Provide Adequate Commercial Security
Authors: Matt Blaze, Whitfield Diffie, Ronald L Rivest, Bruce Schneier, Tsutomu Shimomura, Eric Thompson, Michael Wiener
Date: 1996
Link: PDF
- Modern cryptography employs a combination of:
- Conventional or symmetric cryptographic systems for encrypting data and
- Public key or asymmetric systems for managing the keys used by the symmetric systems.
- Encryption is accomplished by scrambling data using mathematical procedures that make it extremely difficult and time-consuming for anyone other than authorized recipients — those with the correct decryption keys — to recover the plain text.
- A cryptographic algorithm is considered strong if:
- No shortcut allows the opponent to recover the plain text without using brute force to test keys until the correct one is found and
- The number of possible keys is sufficiently large to make such an attack infeasible.
- The sizes of encryption keys are measured in bits and the difficulty of trying all possible keys grows exponentially with the number of bits used.
- Public key or asymmetric cryptosystems have the property that the ability to encrypt does not imply the ability to decrypt.
- Conventional or symmetric cryptosystems — those in which an entity with the ability to encrypt also can decrypt and vice versa — are the systems under consideration in this paper.
- It’s a property of computer encryption that modest increases in computational cost can produce vast increases in security: Encrypting information very securely (e.g with 128-bit keys) typically requires little more computing than encrypting it weakly (e.g with 40-bit key keys)
- It is the nature of brute-force attacks that they can be parallelized indefinitely.
- FPGAs function as programmable hardware and allow faster implementations of such tasks as encryption and decryption than conventional processors.
- There are smarter avenues of attack than brute force: There is no need to break the window of a house to get in if the front door is unlocked. Calculations regarding the strength of encryption against brute-force attacks are worst-case scenarios.
- The authors' recommendation at the time the paper was written (1996):
To provide adequate protection against the most serious threats — well-funded commercial enterprises or government intelligence agencies — keys used to protect data today should be at least 75 bits long
. To protect information adequately for the next 20 years
the face of expected advances in computing, keys in newly-developed systems should be at-least 90 bits long