
It’s Time to Replace TCP in the Datacenter

Authors: John Ousterhout

Date: 2022

Link: PDF

  1. Requirements for transport protocol used in data centers:
  2. The following properties which represent most of the TCP design are the wrong decisions for a data center transport:
  3. TCP is beyond repair — there are simply too many problems, and they are too deeply embedded in the design of TCP.
  4. Homa is a clean-slate redesign of network transport for the data center that provides proof that all of TCP’s problems are solvable:
  5. Besides Homa, one of the best-known alternatives to TCP is Infiniband. However, it has some similar problems to TCP.
  6. The best way to bring Homa into widespread usage is to integrate it with the RPC frameworks that underly most large-scale data center applications.